awesome Mosaic menu

This is a great application, very useful code.I believe you will like it.
html { overflow: hidden; } body { position: absolute; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background:#000; } #screen { position: absolute; width: 891px; height: 550px; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left:-445px; margin-top:-275px; background: #111; overflow: hidden; } #screen .grid { position: absolute; background: #333; font-size: 0px; overflow: hidden; } #screen .txt { position: absolute; font-size: 14px; color: #fff; font-family: arial; overflow: hidden; } #screen .menu { position: absolute; font-size: 12px; color: #fff; font-family: arial; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; } #screen .menubackgroundcolor { opacity: 0.7; filter: alpha(opacity=70); } #screen .wrapper { position:absolute; left: 2%; top: 2%; width: 96%; height: 96%; overflow: hidden; } #screen .wrapper img { float: left; margin-right: 6px; margin-bottom: 0px; } #screen h1 { position:relative; top: 20px; width: 100%; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0px; font-size: 2.5em; } #screen .menucontent { position: absolute; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 128px; letter-spacing: 0px; font-weight: bold; top: -10px; } #screen .submenucontent { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #screen .submenutitle { position: absolute; top: -12px; font-size: 64px; font-weight: bold; } #screen .submenu { position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 55px; } #screen .submenuline { position: relative; height: 18px; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 1px; } #screen .lineover { background: #fff; color: #0064a0; font-weight: bold; } #loader { position:absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 50px; margin-left: -25px; margin-top: -14px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; background: #000; outline: #111 solid 3px; opacity: 0.6; filter: alpha(opacity=60); z-index: 1000; } #htmlBank { display: none; visibility: hidden; }
<script type="text/javascript"> var dp = function () { // private variables var object = { cell: [], menu: [], text: [] }, scr, imagesPath, params, fullImage, loader, P, Pn, Pt, lastMenuOver, pc, backgroundImage, preload, mibar, nx, ny, nw, nh, sw, sh; /* ===== append HTML Element function ==== */ var appendHTML = function (p) { var i, object = document.createElement(p.tagName); // create HTML element for (i in p.attributes) object[i] = p.attributes[i]; // copy attributes for (i in[i] =[i]; // copy style properties if (p[removed]) p[removed].appendChild(object); // insert object return object; }; /* ===== copy JS object ==== */ var clone = function (obj) { if (typeof(obj) != "object" || obj == null) return obj; var newObj = obj.constructor(); for (var i in obj) newObj[i] = clone(obj[i]); return newObj; } /* ==== text constructor ==== */ var Text = function () { // text content this.div = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", attributes: { className: "txt", onmouseover: function () { hideLastMenu(); } } }); this.css =; }; Text.prototype = { /* ==== start typewriter ==== */ startTypewriter: function (t) { this.k = 0; this.html = ? ( document.getElementById( ? document.getElementById([removed] : + " undefined" ) : t.html + " "; this.html = this.html.replace(/\n/g, ""); this.l = this.html.length; this.css.visibility = "visible"; this.css.left = Math.round(t.x * sw) + "px"; = Math.round(t.y * sh) + "px"; this.css.width = Math.round(t.w * sw) + "px"; this.css.height = Math.round(t.h * sh) + "px"; this.div[removed] = ""; // typewriter loop var self = this; this.interval = setInterval( function () { self.typeLoop(); } , 32); }, /* ==== skip HTML tag ==== */ skipTag: function() { if (this.html.charAt(this.k) === "<") this.k += this.html.slice(this.k).indexOf(">") + 1; }, /* ==== typewriter loop ==== */ typeLoop: function () { if (this.k <= this.l) { this.skipTag(); var n = this.html.slice(this.k).indexOf(" "); this.k += (n >= 0) ? n : 1; this.skipTag(); this.div[removed] = this.html.slice(0, this.k++); } else { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = false; } } }; /* ==== menu constructor ==== */ var Menu = function (n, p) { // menu wrapper this.div = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", attributes: { parent: this, className: "menu", onclick: function () {; }, onmouseover: function () { this.parent.over(); } }, style: { visibility: "hidden" } }); // Color backround var bgc = appendHTML({ parentNode: this.div, tagName: "div", attributes: { className: "menubackgroundcolor" }, style: { position: "absolute" } }); this.bgc =; // menu container this.menuDiv = appendHTML({ parentNode: this.div, tagName: "div", attributes: { parent: this, className: "menucontent", innerHTML: p.html, onclick: function () {; }, onmouseover: function () { this.parent.over(); } } }); this.css =; this.pageTarget =; // sub menu construction if (p.submenu) { this.submenuDiv = appendHTML({ tagName: "div", parentNode: this.div, attributes: { className: "submenucontent" }, style: { visibility: "hidden" } }); // title if (p.submenu.title) { appendHTML({ parentNode: this.submenuDiv, tagName: "div", attributes: { className: "submenutitle", innerHTML: p.submenu.title, onclick: function () { resetLoops(); Pt = P.text; displayPage(); return false; } } }); } // submenu container this.submenuContent = appendHTML({ parentNode: this.submenuDiv, tagName: "div", attributes: { className: "submenu" } }); // submenu lines this.menuitem = []; var i = 0, o; while (o = p.submenu.lines[i++]) { this.menuitem.push( new Submenuitem(this, o) ); } } }; Menu.prototype = { /* ==== menu over ==== */ over: function () { if (this.pageTarget != Pn && lastMenuOver != this) { hideLastMenu(); lastMenuOver = this; = "visible"; /* ---- flash ---- */ this.c = clone(params.flash); var self = this, k = 0; var overflash = function () { if (k++ < 12) { self.fadeColor(0.2); setTimeout(overflash, 32); } else self.fadeColor(0); }; overflash(); } }, /* ==== menu click ==== */ click: function () { var t = this.pageTarget; if (t !== Pn &&[t]) { // new page resetLoops(); Pn = t; P =[t]; Pt = P.text; displayPage(); } }, /* ==== target move ==== */ move: function (i) { // targets this.xt = P.menuTarget[i].x; = P.menuTarget[i].y; this.ct = clone(P.menuBackgroundColor); // init menu dimension this.css.visibility = "visible"; this.css.width = this.bgc.width = Math.round(sw - 1) + "px"; this.css.height = this.bgc.height = Math.round(sh - 1) + "px"; // content visibility = (this.pageTarget === Pn) ? "visible" : "hidden"; if (this.submenuDiv) this.displayMenuitem(false); // moving menu loop var self = this; this.interval = setInterval( function () { self.moving(); } , 32); }, fadeColor: function (speed) { // transition if (speed) { this.c.r += (this.ct.r - this.c.r) * speed; this.c.g += (this.ct.g - this.c.g) * speed; this.c.b += (this.ct.b - this.c.b) * speed; } else this.c = clone(this.ct); // HTML background color this.bgc.backgroundColor = "RGB(" + Math.round(this.c.r) + "," + Math.round(this.c.g) + "," + Math.round(this.c.b) + ")"; }, /* ==== move ==== */ moving: function () { // distance to target var speed = 0; var dx = this.xt - this.x; var dy = - this.y; if (Math.abs(dx) > 0.01 || Math.abs(dy) > 0.01) { // inc position this.x += dx * .2; this.y += dy * .2; speed = 0.1; } else { // init values this.x = this.xt; this.y =; // stop animation clearInterval(this.interval); // submenu if (this.submenuDiv && this.pageTarget === Pn) { // display submenu = "hidden"; this.displayMenuitem(true); } } // update HTML this.css.left = Math.round(this.x * sw) + "px"; = Math.round(this.y * sh) + "px"; this.fadeColor(speed); }, /* ---- show menu items ---- */ displayMenuitem: function (visible) { var i = 0, o, menuitem = this.menuitem; while (o = menuitem[i++]) = "hidden"; = "hidden"; if (visible) { i = 0; this.submenuEnabled = true; var self = this; var displayMenuitem = function () { var o = menuitem[i++]; if (o && self.submenuEnabled) { = "visible"; // complementary bar colors = "RGB(" + Math.round((256 - P.menuBackgroundColor.r) * 0.25) + "," + Math.round((256 - P.menuBackgroundColor.g) * 0.25) + "," + Math.round((256 - P.menuBackgroundColor.b) * 0.25) + ")"; setTimeout(displayMenuitem, 64); } }; setTimeout(displayMenuitem, 256); = "visible"; } else this.submenuEnabled = false; } }; /* ==== sub menu item constructor ==== */ var Submenuitem = function (parent, p) { this.parent = parent; this.text = p.text; this.k = 100; this.fullImage = p.fullImage; this.div = appendHTML({ tagName: "div", parentNode: parent.submenuContent, attributes: { className: "submenuline", parent: this, onclick: function () {; }, onmouseover: function () { this.parent.over(); } } }); = appendHTML({ tagName: "div", parentNode: this.div, style: { position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%", left: "100%" } }); this.txt = appendHTML({ tagName: "div", parentNode: this.div, attributes: { innerHTML: p.html }, style: { position: "absolute", marginLeft: "10px" } }); }; /* ---- menu items functions ---- */ Submenuitem.prototype = { /* ---- select ---- */ click: function () { resetLoops(); resetText(); Pt = this.text; if (this.fullImage) { // display full image fullImage = this.fullImage; displayPage(); } // update text else nextText(); }, /* ---- bar left ---- */ over: function () { mibar = this; var i = 0, o; while (o = this.parent.menuitem[i++]) if (o != this && !o.r) o.out(); var self = this; this.r = false; var barLeft = function () { if (self === mibar) { = Math.round(self.k *= .25) + "%"; if (Math.round(self.k) > 0) setTimeout(barLeft, 32); } }; barLeft(); }, /* ---- bar right ---- */ out: function () { if (this.k < 100) { if (this.k < 1) this.k = 1; var self = this; this.r = true; var barRight = function () { = Math.round(self.k *= 2) + "%"; if (Math.round(self.k) < 100) setTimeout(barRight, 32); }; barRight(); } } }; /* ==== cell constructor ==== */ var Cell = function (n, x, y) { this.n = n; this.x0 = x; this.y0 = y; // next directions this.dir = [ (x - 1 >= 0 ? n - ny : n), (x + 1 < nx - 1 ? n + ny : n), (y - 1 >= 0 ? n - 1 : n), (y + 1 < ny - 1 ? n + 1 : n) ]; // fade in-out div this.opc = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", attributes: { onmouseover: function () { hideLastMenu(); } }, style: { position: "absolute", filter: "alpha(opacity=100)", opacity: 1, background: "#000", left: Math.round(x * sw) + "px", top: Math.round(y * sh) + "px", width: Math.round(sw - 1) + "px", height: Math.round(sh - 1) + "px" } }); // white flash div this.fla = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", style: { position: "absolute", background: "#fff", visibility: "hidden", left: Math.round(x * sw) + "px", top: Math.round(y * sh) + "px", width: Math.round(sw - 1) + "px", height: Math.round(sh - 1) + "px" } }); // grid horizontal if (x == 0 && y > 0) { this.hor = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", attributes: { className: "grid" }, style: { top: Math.round(y * sh - 1) + "px", width: nw + "px", height: "1px" } }); } // grid vertical if (y == 0 && x > 0) { this.ver = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", attributes: { className: "grid" }, style: { left: Math.round(x * sw - 1) + "px", width: "1px", height: nh + "px" } }); } }; Cell.prototype = { /* ==== crossbrowser opacity function ==== */ opacity: function (alpha) { if (this.opc.filters && this.opc.filters.alpha) { // redefine function for IE<9 Cell.prototype.opacity = function (alpha) { this.opc.filters.alpha.opacity = Math.round(alpha); }; this.opacity(alpha); } else { // redefine function for CSS3 Cell.prototype.opacity = function (alpha) { = alpha * 0.01; }; this.opacity(alpha); } }, /* ==== display image ==== */ displayCell: function () { // mark cell as displayed this.displayed = true; // flash = "visible"; // fading loop var self = this; this.interval = setInterval( function () { self.displayCellLoop(); } , 32); }, /* ==== display cell loop ==== */ displayCellLoop: function () { var o; if (this.alpha !== this.alphaTarget) { // opacity this.alpha += this.step; this.opacity(this.alpha); // find next cell if (this.alpha === this.nextCell) { var i = 0, s = false; while (i++ < 8) { o = object.cell[ this.dir[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)] ]; // cell is available if (!o.displayed) { o.displayCell(); s = true; break; } } if (!s) { // find new starting point o = startingCell(); if (o !== false) o.displayCell(); // next cell else this.startNext = true; // the end } } // stop flash if (this.alpha === this.endFlash) = "hidden"; if (this.startNext && this.alpha === this.nextStep) { // start typeWriter if (this.txt && ( || this.html)) object.text[pc].startTypewriter(this); // next phase if (P.text[pc] && !fullImage) nextText(); } } else { // stop animation loop clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = false; = "hidden"; } } }; /* ==== return random available cell ==== */ var startingCell = function () { var o, i = 0, avail = []; while (o = object.cell[i++]) if (!o.displayed) avail.push(o); if (!avail.length) return false; // no available cell else { // return random available cell return avail[ Math.floor(Math.random() * avail.length) ]; } }; /* ==== initialize cells ==== */ var initCell = function (p, fx, txt) { var i = 0, o; while (o = object.cell[i++]) { // is Cell active if (o.x0 >= p.x && o.x0 <= (p.x + p.w - 1) && o.y0 >= p.y && o.y0 <= (p.y + p.h - 1)) { // copy variables o.displayed = false; o.startNext = false; = false; o.txt = txt; for (var j in p) o[j] = p[j]; for (var k in fx) o[k] = fx[k]; } } }; /* ==== reset text ==== */ var resetText = function () { // reset text containers pc = 0; var i = 0, o; while (o = object.text[i++]) { o.div[removed] = ""; o.css.visibility = "hidden"; } // reset opacity i = 0; while (o = object.cell[i++]) { o.t = true; o.opacity(0); } }; /* ==== display next bloc text ==== */ var nextText = function () { var o = Pt[pc++]; if (o) { initCell(o, params.fadeout, true); o = startingCell(); o.displayed = true; o.displayCell(); } }; /* ==== menu mouse out ==== */ var hideLastMenu = function () { if (lastMenuOver) { = "hidden"; lastMenuOver = false; } }; /* ==== reset setIntervals ==== */ var resetLoops = function () { if (preload) { clearInterval(preload); preload = false; } var i, j, k, o; for (j in object) { k = object[j]; i = 0; while (o = k[i++]) { if (o.interval) { // stop loop clearInterval(o.interval); o.interval = false; // stop flash if (o.fla) = "hidden"; } } } }; /* ==== images display sequence ==== */ var displayPage = function () { var i, j, m, o; // reset lastMenuOver = false; resetText(); if (!fullImage) { // move Menus i = 0; while (o =[i]) o.move(i++); // background images var img = P.backgroundImage; } else { // full Image var img = fullImage; // hide Menus i = 0; while (o =[i++]) o.css.left = "-1000px"; } // preload image var timeout = params.timeout; var preloadImg = new Image(); preloadImg.src = imagesPath + img; /* ---- loading function ---- */ var preloading = function () { if ((preloadImg.complete && preloadImg.width) || timeout === 0) { // load complete - hide loader loader[removed] = ""; = "hidden"; // hide image var i = 0, o; while (o = object.cell[i++]) { o.opacity(100); if (fullImage) { // close full image = "pointer"; o.opc.onclick = function () { resetLoops(); fullImage = false; Pt = P.text; displayPage(); } } else { = "default"; o.opc.onclick = null; } } // display background image var css =; if (timeout > 0) { backgroundImage.src = imagesPath + img; css.left = Math.round((nw - preloadImg.width) * 0.5) + "px"; = Math.round((nh - preloadImg.height) * 0.5) + "px"; css.visibility = "visible"; } else css.visibility = "hidden"; setTimeout(function() { // display image initCell( { x: 0, y: 0, w: nx, h: ny }, params.fadein, false ); // random starting point o = startingCell(); o.displayed = true; o.displayCell(); }, 64); } else { // waiting timeout--; if (timeout < params.timeout - 3) { // display ajax loader = "visible"; loader[removed] = (params.timeout - timeout - 3); } preload = setTimeout(preloading, 64); } }; preloading(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ==== screen dimensions ==== */ var resize = function () { nw = scr.offsetWidth; nh = scr.offsetHeight; sw = Math.round(nw / nx); sh = Math.round(nh / ny); }; /* ==== init script ==== */ var init = function (p) { var k, i, j, o; params = p; scr = document.getElementById(p.containerID); nx = p.gridX; ny = p.gridY; imagesPath = p.imagesPath; Pn = 0; P =[Pn]; Pt = P.text; resize(); // create background image backgroundImage = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "img", style: { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden" } }); // ajax loader loader = appendHTML({ parentNode: scr, tagName: "div", attributes: { id: "loader" }, style: { visibility: "hidden" } }); // create cells k = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { object.cell.push( new Cell(k++, i, j) ); } } // create txt objects for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { object.text.push( new Text() ); } // create menu objects i = 0; while (o =[i]) { new Menu(i++, o) ); } // load first page setTimeout( function () { displayPage(); } , 250); }; return { // initialize script init : init } }(); </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> /* ==== script parameters ==== */ setTimeout(function () { dp.init( { containerID: "screen", gridX: 6, gridY: 4, imagesPath: "../images/", timeout: 153, // 10 seconds flash: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}, fadein: { alpha: 100, alphaTarget: 0, step: -5, endFlash: 80, nextCell: 90, nextStep: 0, }, fadeout: { alpha: 0, alphaTarget: 60, step: 5, endFlash: 20, nextCell: 10, nextStep: 40, }, menu: [ { html: '1', target: 0 }, { html: '2', target: 1, submenu: { title: '2.dö', lines: [ { html: 'klinükols', text: [{ html: '', x: 0, y: 2, w: 5, h: 1 }, { id: "thumb1", x: 2, y: 0, w: 1, h: 4 }] }, { html: 'temakäd', text: [{ html: ' ', x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 4 }, { id: "thumb2", x: 0, y: 2, w: 5, h: 1 }] }, { html: 'hidünana', text: [{ html: ' ', x: 2, y: 0, w: 1, h: 4 }, { html: ' ', x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 4 }, { id: "thumb3", x: 2, y: 1, w: 3, h: 2 }] }, { html: 'osämikebobs', fullImage: "eve06.jpg" } ] } }, { html: '3', target: 2 }, { html: '4', target: 3 } ], page: [ { // page 1 backgroundImage: "eve01.jpg", menuBackgroundColor: { r: 0, g: 100, b: 160 }, text: [ { html: ' ', x: 0, y: 2, w: 2, h: 2 }, { id: "txt1", x: 4, y: 1, w: 2, h: 2 }, { html: '<h1>büdolös</h1>', x: 4, y: 3, w: 1, h: 1 } ], menuTarget: [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 0, y: 3 }, { x: 5, y: 3 } ] }, { // page 2 backgroundImage: "eve02.jpg", menuBackgroundColor: { r: 102, g: 102, b: 51 }, text: [{ html: ' ', x: 5, y: 3, w: 1, h: 1 }, { html: ' ', x: 0, y: 3, w: 1, h: 1 }, { id: "txt2", x: 0, y: 0, w: 3, h: 2 }, { html: '<h1>kanaänik</h1>', x: 5, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1 } ], menuTarget: [ { x: 3, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 3 }, { x: 5, y: 2 } ] }, { // page 3 backgroundImage: "eve03.jpg", menuBackgroundColor: { r: 160, g: 100, b: 0 }, text: [{ html: ' ', x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1 }, { html: ' ', x: 5, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1 }, { id: "txt3", x: 2, y: 1, w: 3, h: 2 }, { html: '<h1>lägüptän</h1>', x: 5, y: 2, w: 1, h: 1 } ], menuTarget: [ { x: 1, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 5, y: 3 }, { x: 5, y: 1 } ] }, { // page 4 backgroundImage: "eve04.jpg", menuBackgroundColor: { r: 0, g: 150, b: 150 }, text: [{ id: "txt41", x: 0, y: 3, w: 2, h: 1 }, { id: "txt4", x: 4, y: 2, w: 2, h: 2 }, { html: '<h1>sofälik</h1>', x: 3, y: 3, w: 1, h: 1 } ], menuTarget: [ { x: 2, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 5, y: 0 } ] }] }); }, 500); // For a better World, this script is made from 100% post-consumer Recycled Pixels </script>
Tag: mosaic menu
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